You just successfully defended your life or someone else's. 

Now what?

Odds are, you will be tried for a crime AND civilly sued for your innocent actions of self-defense. 

Are you prepared for the ensuing legal battle?

We are registered affiliates of CCW Safe. We do not offer legal services and we are not lawyers. We are concerned citizens who carry every day,  just like you. This is why we choose to work with CCW Safe over anyone else:

How much do legal services cost on average for a self defense shooting?

First off, understand that these numbers are nowhere near set in stone. This is just the average that we have seen in our research and discussions with those we know in the legal arena.

That said:

Best case scenario, your lawyer is able to get you a "no bill," your case is dismissed, and you continue on with your life. Plan anywhere from $10k-$50k in this case. 

If your case goes before a judge, make that $100-$250k.

If you go before a jury, plan on $250k+. 

If you get convicted and have to appeal to a higher court, there's no telling the cost (we've seen cases run over 2 MILLION in legal fees before everything was said and done). 

The best part about CCW Safe™ legal defense service is that no matter HOW much it costs, regardless of the verdict, all of your legal expenses are paid UP FRONT. 

Why would I be arrested if I was the one defending myself?

The truth is, the only one who knows for certain the extent of your innocence is YOU. 

Our law enforcement officers are neither for you or against you, they're there to do a job. That job is to protect the public. For now, the only thing anyone knows for sure is that you used lethal force against somebody. The reasons why and whether or not it was justified are yet to be determined. So, in the meantime, you get to get acquainted with your local jail or holding cells and try out the popular jailhouse chili mac for dinner until your charges are set (if any) and your bail is decided. 

That is, unless you have your lawyer and bail already covered and on the way.

CCW Safe™ will have your lawyer on his way in minutes and will cover any bail set for you up to $1 MILLION dollars (more than any other legal defense service provider). 

So instead of stressing, but not exactly sleeping, on a hard spring cot with a heavily used pillow and less than respectful roommates, you'll get to lay in your own bed. You might even get a little more sleep considering your lawyer is already on the case and you don't owe him a dime. 

How much do these legal services cost? Do I have to pay them back after the trial?

CCW Safe™ has a couple different plan options. We highly recommend their highest plan because it offers the most comprehensive coverage for both yourself, your spouse, and any minor children who use force to defend themselves while in your home. This plan runs $47/month, or add another $20/month if you'd like to add civil damages liability coverage for your spouse (account holder is already covered). You may also choose to pay this on an annual basis. 

CCW Safe™ will never demand their money back, regardless of the outcome of either justice or civil trial (unlike USCCA, who reserves the right to demand reimbursement if you are found guilty). 

There are other cheaper options out there, including Firearms Legal Protection, LawShield, ACLDN, etc. However, none of these offer as complete and comprehensive of coverage as CCW Safe™. This is why we all switched away from our other respective service providers to CCW Safe™, and why we chose to put our names on the line for them and become registered affiliates. 

"Crime insurance" is illegal. How is this any different?

Good question, we're glad you asked!

CCW Safe™ and a couple other service providers have specifically set up the organization of their company to work with these laws.

Yes, it is true, you cannot hold an insurance policy for yourself that will pay for your legal defense when you commit a crime. CCW Safe™ is NOT an insurance company. They are a legal service provider.

They themselves are insured through a company called "2A Insurance," which they created for this purpose. This company also backs "FTA Protect," a liability insurance company for firearms instructors should an accident happen during their class and they be held liable. 

To learn more about "2A Insurance" and how it works with CCW Safe™ members, watch this video on YouTube by Kyle Sweet, co-founder of CCW Safe™:

Do you earn a commission if I use the link on your site?

Yes, we do. It's a small decreasing percentage of what you pay monthly or annually for your coverage for the first three years of your membership. It's not much, but if a handful of folks sign up with our link, it might cover the cost of an ad or two. 

Your cost is the same. If you go directly to their website, then come back and use our link, you'll see that the prices are identical. 

We hope that if you're considering legal coverage anyways, you'll use the link on this page and give us a few pennies to help us reach more people. 

Can you get me a discount with CCW Safe™?

The short answer is no.


CCW Safe™ will sometimes permit us a temporary discount code to offer to our students. That code will never be allowed to be posted on our website or anywhere else public. So, you'll have to come to our next class and see what we've got up our sleeves!

What are you waiting for?

Go check out CCW Safe™ now!